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#43: Wine🍷Wisdom 13 Part 2/2 | The Ramifications of COVID-19
Read moreIn this episode of Wine & Wisdom, Thomas Le Hoang, Cam Wilson and Chris Di Nola discuss the ramifications of COVID-19. There is no way that something as drastic as this can sweep through our entire society without leaving a trace. As human beings, we embrace fear. The ramifications of “fear” is that it will […]
#42: Open Heart 1 | COVID-19 One Million Mark
Read moreOpen Heart, a new monologue series on the TL Podcast, is a way for Thomas to find some calm in the midst of this pandemic. Having spent over 30 years studying human nature, it is clear to him that this event has not only brought out the worst, but also the best, in mankind. This […]
#41: Wine🍷Wisdom 13 Part 1/2 | Put Yourself in Other People’s Shoes During COVID-19
Read moreA lot of good will come out of times like these, where people will most definitely lift their game in the business industry. Very quickly, you will find out who you would want to stand alongside you in the trenches. During these difficult times, the coronavirus is going to make people say certain things because […]
#40: Live Life by Choice, Not by Chance w/ Chris Joscelyne
Read moreWhen Chris Joscelyne was rushed to hospital and later diagnosed with a category 4 brain tumour, his initial mindset was gratitude. Gratitude for the hard work he had put into building a successful career and ensuring he had the best possible health cover he could afford. Having been in hospital since May last year, Chris […]